Monday, April 22, 2013

First Encounter

As a tek enthusiast,  I must admit that this is my first blog....ever!  My motivation was a combination of my love for music, technology and boredom.  Here, I will be  posting any awesome stuff I find, either from the web or from real life.  I want to use this platform to discuss whats hot in today's market as well as what has been in the past. Enjoy!

I would like to start with the Arturia Minibrute!

Let's face it!  In a world cluttered with virtual This and iThat it's easy to forget that we are still animals.  We have opposable thumbs, carnal desire, an instinct to build and create. We need real tools!  There is something about these devices that stimulates a human response. You'll notice that a lot of companies are manufacturing hardware interfaces that control proprietary software. Bottom line, we need to use our hands! But, that's not the be all /end all of what I'm trying to say. Simply put, analog just sounds better! 

Now, I am not knocking software synthesis.  In fact, Arturia is making great strides in not only raising the bar when it comes to the quality in sound and innovation of soft synths, but also in the hardware to software integration. 

As they are known for their software based instruments it was a bit of a shock when they unleashed this little monster at the 2012 NAMM Show.  Man! I would love to get five minutes alone...what? with all the tweaky knobs, slidey faders and all the low end bass frequencies this box of circuits can muster!  Oh yeah!  ...and there's aftertouch!  What?  On an analog synth? Yup. 

Here's a showcase and review from Sonic Lab.  I trust this guys point of view...

...another important thing to note is that the street price is surprizingly affordable @ about $499.00.
That's not too shabby!

Here's a great vid of Adrian Utley of Portishead screw'n around with one....

In summery, I'm very pleased to know that there are newer companies making quality gear these days.  Honestly, I didnt think I would see it.  I mean, that back in the day when I started to mess with synths, I started with softsynths. Then, quickly realized I was spending more time fighting with latency and compatibility issues.  And for what? A sound that didn't even compare to the real deal?  Nor, had any realtime control?  Back then most softsynths required a mouse to change parameters and that was it.  Since then I have migrated towards hardware, primarily But, I still like certain wares. Arturia is doing great things for the music world!  Whether its soft or hardware synths they're doing a great job!! 

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